Azienda in vetrina - GR PUBBLICITA' SRL
20025 LEGNANO (MI)
Tel. 0331577547
Fax 0331577266
GR Pubblicita' e' un'azienda presente sul mercato da oltre 30 anni specializzata in comunicazione visiva e stampa digitale, con un ventaglio di applicazioni molto ampio, dotata di progettazione interna, falegnameria, carpenteria per le piu' svariate realizzazioni che potrete vedere sul nostro sito
GR pubblicita' e' il partner ideale per ideare, progettare e realizzare le Vostre strutture offrendo una assistenza a 360gradi ai propri clienti.
Inoltre, da qualche anno e' operativa la Business Unit denominata GR Interior, con una mission volta a sviluppare e promuovere soluzioni originali e innovative nel settore dell'Interior, per la progettazione e riqualificazione di spazi commerciali ed istituzionali.
La vera innovazione fu quella di proporre soluzioni che prevedessero l'impiego di materiali tradizionali abbinati ad avanzatissime pellicole e rivestimenti come 3M DI Noc, adesivi murali, tatoo wall, sistemi di proiezione e rear projection, per riqualificare in tempi ridottissimi e senza interventi di carattere strutturale, il volto di negozi, showroom, hospitality e addirittura le sedi aziendali dei nostri clienti.

GR Group was founded in the early 80s with a production mission turned to meet the growing demand for products and services necessary for the development of integrated communication projects, ranging from the production of a simple sign, to the design and development of installations for the realization of events, therefore: digital printing in any format, exhibition and scenography designs, promotional stands, inflatable structures, mock-up of products and solutions of advanced decodynamics.
The real innovation was to propose solutions that foresaw the use of traditional materials combined with advanced films and coatings such as 3M DI Noc, wall stickers, wall tattoos, projection and rear projection systems, in order to remodel in a very short time and without intervention of structural character, the face of shops, showrooms, hospitality and even corporate offices of our customers.
Our team of architects and designers is able to create custom solutions for the restyling of any commercial or institutional space. The strong point of GR is the constant attention it devotes to R&D of its internal production departments, according to new demands from the market.
The real innovation was to propose solutions that foresaw the use of traditional materials combined with advanced films and coatings such as 3M DI Noc, wall stickers, wall tattoos, projection and rear projection systems, in order to remodel in a very short time and without intervention of structural character, the face of shops, showrooms, hospitality and even corporate offices of our customers.